Lifecycles at Hinenu

Our community delights in marking joyful occasions in one another’s lives together, and rallies around one another during the most difficult times. Read on for information about how Hinenu honors life cycle events, click the + to expand the details on each occasion. 

Observance of your life cycles at Hinenu and Rabbi Ariana’s officiation is a benefit of membership. Major moments in our lives often make us look for community, and if you are considering joining Hinenu at the time of preparing for a life cycle, welcome. Community members who are not looking to become members of Hinenu but want Rabbi Ariana to officiate their occasion can be in touch.

To read the below FAQ in a Google doc instead of in the accordion format, click here.

Lifecycle giving

“Beyond the public festivals and fasts of Judaism, it is in the private domain of rites of passage that make up the stages of our lives that we find deepened and broadened relationships. Through the rites of passage, the "I" draws closer to the "we," to the members of the family, and to the community present and past. These singular intersections present unique circumstances in which to find one other in Judaism. Laughter and tears crave community.” Rabbi Harold Schulweis

Life Cycle Giving to Hinenu is a way to commemorate or memorialize the significant relational moments in a person or family’s life, and thus to bring them to communal life. Whether through sharing the simcha (joy) of a birth, b’nei mitzvah, conversion, or wedding, or whether as a way of honoring the blessing of a loved one’s memory after a death or yahrtzeit, we encourage you to make a donation to Hinenu part of your celebration or mourning, and we would love nothing more than to lift up the person or event at the center of your donation through sharing stories or photos so they can be known and held by Hinenu’s membership and fellow travelers. “Laughter and tears crave community,” and your Life Cycle Gift to Hinenu helps to ensure the continuity of this sacred community for generations to come.

Those marking a life cycle event:
While contributions are not required by those celebrating a life cycle event with Hinenu and are in fact a benefit of membership, giving in honor of these moments is an opportunity to thank your community for the ways it has marked these moments alongside you. Hinenu does not charge members for the Rabbi’s time to plan and officiate life cycle events. Please consider honoring the Rabbi’s time with a gift to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund commensurate with the amount of time spent. Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund donations support direct mutual aid for members of our community. Donations to life cycle giving and the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund can be made here.

Suggested guidance for contributions:
Wedding couple: $1000+
B’nei mitzvah family: $750+
Family of a baby naming: $180+
Mourners: $180+

And keep the celebration going! Share any additional information here, such as photos or a longer description to be shared in a newsletter.

Those celebrating someone else’s life cycle event:

Making a contribution to Hinenu in honor of a friend’s new baby, a grandchild’s b’nei mitzvah, or in honor of a fellow member’s loss is beautiful gift. Please use the secure online donation platform and choose “Give to Life Cycle Giving” in the first drop down field. If your gift is in honor or memory of someone, please complete this form to share information about the honoree after making your donation. A notice of your gift will be sent out to the designated people.