Ricardo Levins Morales’ Kol Nidre Teaching
“Action begins with an actor. That's us. Freeing ourselves to act in the world requires letting go of what prevents it. Letting go of chains that keep us disconnected from a world that has moved on. Rejecting even the shackles we we agreed to wear. Tonight is our commitment – yes, I just can't get away from that language – to catch up.”
Chesed to the End
If the world ends this year, I want to witness it alongside you. If the world ends this year, I want to take care of one another to the end.
Courage Even When It’s Hard
When the Torah is Missing
So what do we do when the Torah is missing? What do we do when our moral guideposts have fallen apart or are manipulated for such wickedness? When the faith in how Jews are, how Jews behave, how Jews cling to justice, disappears? When what we inherited seems to crumble into dust in our hands if we grip onto it too hard? When our guiding values seem to disappear, when we open the ark and it is empty? What are we still doing here in shul?
Palimpsest, Geniza, Book of Life
Look on the back of love letters and find the Divine name. Put things back you are not ready to release, and get ready for a dignified farewell to what is ready to be buried.